About the Conference
Nuclear physics is a subject of fascination and is mysterious in nature. The nucleus radiates and there is lot of fear around this, but all in all radiation is jus tenergy. Nuclear physics research is an important pursuit because the study of the nucleus of the atom is at the heart of our ability to understand the universe. Reliable Nuclear data are essential ingredients in a wide range of applications, including the design and operation of nuclear power plants (energy production and development of the country), production and uses of radioisotopes, medical dosimetry, diagnostics and therapy, the development of accelerators, management of nuclear waste, etc. Considering its importance and in honor of the retirement ceremony of Prof. Antony Joseph, it is decided to organise a three-day International Conference on Recent Developments in Nuclear Physics,‘NUCLEARIS 2022’. Deliberations by the experts in the field of nuclear physics will be taking place in the conference.
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